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This community is a branch of the Weirdo family tree (a.k.a. fans of the Weird Darkness podcast). So most of what you see here will be based on either the podcast itself, or the genres of horror, the paranormal, unsolved mysteries, true crime, and all things dark and weird.

Community Guidelines


KEEP IT PG-RATED: If you’re about to post something that wouldn’t be considered appropriate by your boss, co-workers, clients, or grandma then don’t post it. Please, no CURSE WORDS, no SEX HUMOR, no NUDE/SUGGESTIVE PHOTOS, no GRAPHIC IMAGES, and no DRUG USE/PARAPHERNALIA.

NO BULLYING, TROLLING, OR POT STIRRING: Don’t be a troublemaker. Trolling, bigotry, racism, sexism, calling people names, mockery of another’s gender, using words like “retarded” in a derogatory manner, posting items just to “trigger” someone or get a reaction, etc., will not be tolerated. Posts will be deleted and repeat offenders removed and blocked.

NO POLITICS OR RELIGION: We all have our own beliefs regarding politics and religion, Darren Marlar included, but this group is not the place for it. Please do not post pro-political or anti-political thoughts as that only stirs the pot and angers those on the other side of the issues or parties. And do not post pro-religious, or anti-religious content of any faith or belief system. Again, it will simply stir the pot and that’s not what we want here. You can be uplifting without being religious.

NO ADS OR FUNDRAISING: The only exception to this rule is if you post your ads, fundraisers, YouTube channels, art to sell, etc. in the comments of the “Self-Promotion Saturday” post pinned to the top of the group each week. **And if you post spam anywhere you will be removed from the group and blocked immediately!**

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